Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
County Tax Assessor-Collector
Kim Thomasson
Kim Thomasson
500 Broadnax
Daingerfield, Texas 75638

For information on Vehicle Registration (Tax/Title/License)
and Voter Registration call:

Phone: 903-645-2446
Fax: 903-645-5351

For property tax appraisal/inquiries, please contact the Morris County Appraisal District.
501 N. Crockett
Daingerfield TX 75638
Or click below for property searches:

The 5-year summary for SB2 (2019) can be found here: https://www.morriscad.com/morris-county-and-road-and-bridge/


Click the appropriate link below to learn how you can vote in person in Texas elections with other forms of (non-photo) ID
ENGLISH - Required Identification for Voting in Person
SPANISH - Required Identification for Voting in Person

Voter Registration Information

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles


Application for Employment